22 November 2010

Round 2, Day 3

I got a late start this evening on my workout and so I wasn't able to do the full workout.  This is my first strength training workout of this Round.  I decided to work out using my green bands (~10lb bands) but did not complete the Bonus Round or the Ab Ripper X.  I haven't done any strength training in a while so I wanted to take it slow on this first time especially since my arms are still quite sore from the 2 Core Synergistics I did in the last week.  I'll definitely add the Bonus Round in next week's workout.  I do use bands instead of weights because it requires less equipment ("looping" the bands allows me to increase the resistance of the band).  The downside is that it is sometimes harder to track the resistance I am using in the workouts because I do "loop" and I'm not measuring or otherwise quantifying the loop.  Eventually, I'll probably either get greater resistance bands or switch to weights.  For now I have a green (light, 10lb) band and a red (medium, 20 lb) band.  I use the green band mostly for upper body an the red band for back and lower body.

Today’s Workout
Day: 3
Program: P90X
Workout: Shoulders & Arms
Length: 1 hour
Time: Late Evening
Place: Home
Buddies: The cricket that sneaked a ride into the house on my yoga mat.

Tomorrow's Workout: Yoga

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