23 August 2011

Week 36: Starting the home stretch... hopefully :)

So I am getting into the last month. I have perfected my waddle.  I can pretty much tell when the wiggler is going to start kicking me for sitting down too long.  Nesting is pretty much underway.

BabyCenter: 36 Weeks: Crenshaw Melon
I feel I'm pretty lucky, the summer has been fairly mild.  The only "weather"-related issue I've been having is the almost daily battle with whoever keeps futzing with the air conditioning in the office.  Today is definitely going to be a sweater day, I can tell.  Yesterday, was actually nice, not too cold in here.  I'm tempted to find the controls and then completely cover it with duct tape so it stays in one place :-P

So, Week 36!  Whoo hoo!  The baby is the size of a Crenshaw Melon.  I have no idea what that is but the picture looks cool.  I have been learning lots about some different fruits and vegetables from the "fruit scale" that BabyCenter uses.  The Crenshaw is related to the honeydew, I think.  I'll have something to look up during my lunch break :)

So the wiggly melon inside keeps growing and kicking and punching.  :-) Just a few more weeks left... WHOO HOO!

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